Further Reading¶
- Programming in Python 3
Mark Summerfield, (addison wesley): http://www.qtrac.eu/py3book.html
This book cover only Python 3. It is focused on the language, But the concepts of Python are clearly exposed and after reading it every thing in the language make sense. Lot of parts of this course come from this book. I highly recommend it.
- Think Python, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Allen B. Downey http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/
This is an open source book, so you can get it freely. It use Pyhton2 syntax. The analyse of the concept of the language are not so accute that in Programming in Python 3 But it is focused to learn python by example to scientific people (but ther is no bioinformatics example) It’s a good book for people who are not a daily programmer and want to use python as script language.
- Managing Your Biological Data with Python
Allegra Via, Kritian Rother, Anna Tramontano (Chapman and Hall/CRC): http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439880937
This book is specially focused on bioinformatics. You will not become a developper after reading the book as it is not focused on the mechanism of the language. But there lot of reciepes only focused on bioinformtics . It even in the using biopython library or scripting pymmol. This is a practical manual that will help you every day to solve your bioinformatics problems.