File System

File system

What is the file system

what is a "tree structure"?

do you already know a tree structure in biology?


file sytem tree structure


what directory ?

where am I on the map?

This is my map!


let's go for exploration

absolute path


abolute path to file abc_mouse.fa

use command cd to explore the file systems.

relative path


so we need to upgrade our location vocabulary:

  • where a I am : .
  • one level up : ..

exercise: use command cd to explore the file systems using relative path.



Each machine have it's own map.
we have not a map for all machines.
So we have to explore.

what are there in a this directory?


some useful options:


Go in /pasteur/projets/policy01/unix_training/DataBio , explore the subtree.

special characters

When a user want to execute a command on several files with similar names, or if he don't know the exact names, he can use jockers:

jockers exercises

how to get the listing of all files like abcd2_mouse.fa or abcd3_human.sp but NOT abcd_result.txt?

create direcotries


go in your home:
create a directory
go in, create a directory sandbox, and in this directory 2 directories data, results

copy file and directory

you can use option -p to preserve rights (owner, group, last acces and modification date)


copy hmm files (ending with .hmm) in /pasteur/projets/policy01/unix_training/DataBio/HMM/ in data directory you just make.

mv/rename file/directories

you can specifies several src like mv src1 src2 src2 ... dest

mv warning

The mv command has not the same effect according src and dest are directories or files

src type dest type action
one file file the src file is rename into dest file beware if dest file already exists it's lost
several file file all src files are lost only the last one is rename as dest
file dir all src files are moved in dest directory dest directory must exists. If not it is consider as file
dir dir all src directories are moved in dest directory the dest directory must already exists


mv files blast2 report in /pasteur/projets/policy01/unix_training/DataBio/ in sandbox/results

remove file


by default the user is not asked before to delete a file or not. You are big guy, you know what you do.

if you are unsure you can add -i option. In this case you will prompt before deleting an item.


remove all sandbox subtree


all this features are managed by the permissions (or right access)

3 classes of permissions

$ ls -l
total 1176
drwxr-xr-x 4 bneron CIB   4096 Mar  4  2014 Alignment
-rw-r--r-- 1 bneron CIB 220196 Mar  4  2014 CIP-55-138_A.b_A06_037.ab1
drwxr-xr-x 3 bneron bneron   4096 Jun  4 14:51 HMM
U: user
G: group
O: others
r: read (4)
w: write (2)
x: execute (1)

rwx what does it really mean?

    file directory
r 4 read allow to list
w 2 write allow to create and delete file and directories
x 1 the file is executable allow to enter and pass trhough the directory

who am I?

Permisions are based on your identity and the groups to wich you belong.

change permisions

chmod [ugo] [+-] [rwx] <target>

chmod [ugo] [+-] [rwx] <target>

drwxr-xr-x 4 bneron CIB   4096 Mar  4  2014 Alignment
chmod g+w Alignment
drwxrwxr-x 4 bneron CIB   4096 Mar  4  2014 Alignment
chmod o-rx  Alignment
drwxrwx--- 4 bneron CIB   4096 Mar  4  2014 Alignment
chmod g-wo+x Alignment
chmod: invalid mode: 'g-wo+x'
chmod go +rx Alignment
drwxrwxr-x 4 bneron CIB   4096 Mar  4  2014 Alignment

you can use -R option to apply permision to a directory and recursively to its contents.

change permisions syntax 2

chmod num_value <target>

num value is composed of 3 digits respectively for
user, group, other
each value is the sum of the octal symbols
for instance for w => 4, read rw => 4+2 = 6 ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 bneron sis 0 Oct 16 13:59 file1
chmod 755 file1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bneron sis 0 Oct 16 13:59 file1
chmod 640 file1
-rw-r----- 1 bneron sis 0 Oct 16 13:59 file1

octal notation

Symbolic Notation Octal Notation English
---------- 000 no permissions
---x--x--x 111 execute
--w--w--w- 222 write
--wx-wx-wx 333 write & execute
-r--r--r-- 444 read
-r-xr-xr-x 555 read & execute
-rw-rw-rw- 666 read & write
-rwxrwxrwx 777 read, write & execute


create files and directories,
change their permisions.

permissions by default

To controls the file/dir's permissions at their creation.

umask is the complement to 7 to the permissions applied
umask = 0022
directories: permissions are 777
7-0=7, 7-0=7, 7-2=5, 7-2=5
directories will be created with 755 rights (rwxr-xr-x)
files is same as dir except, never x by default
7-0=7, 7-0=7, 7-2=5, 7-2=5 then remove x if necessary
files will be created with 644 rights (rw-r--r--)

octal codes meaning

Octal digit in umask command Allows on directory allows on file
0 read, write,execute read, write
1 read and write read, write
2 read and execute read
3 read only read
4 write and execute write
5 write only write
6 execute only no permissions
7 no permissions no permissions

setting the umask

umask 001
umask -S
umask -S o+w


create dir and files (use touch) with different umask
check their permisions with ls -l

To set x on file you need to use chmod.

change owner/group

chown command (for change ow ner)

the ownership of a file may only be altered by a super-user


  • Only a member of a group can change a file's group
  • And only to one of which they are a member.